Contact Us
Karen Etter Hale
Chair, Wisconsin Bird Conservation Partnership
Phone: 920-245-1395 (cell)
Karen chairs the Wisconsin Bird Conservation Partnership. Karen has been a leading force in avian conservation in Wisconsin for more than three decades and served previously as executive secretary of the Madison Audubon Society. She volunteers with several other statewide bird conservation organizations.
Ryan Brady
Conservation Biologist
Bureau of Natural Heritage Conservation
Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources
2501 Golf Course Road
Ashland, Wisconsin 54806
Phone: 715-685-8585
Ryan is a Conservation Biologist for the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources’ Bureau of Natural Heritage Conservation. Based out of Ashland on the shores of Lake Superior, he has served as WBCP’s Bird Monitoring Coordinator since 2008. Ryan coordinates citizen-based monitoring programs for owls, nightjars, and secretive marsh; serves as Science Coordinator for Wisconsin Breeding Bird Atlas II; and conducts a variety of communication and outreach activities related to birding and bird conservation.

Northern Saw-whet Owl, photo by Dennis Malueg
For comments or suggestions about the content on this site, please contact one of the WBCP staff listed above.
The WBCP website was designed by Jennifer Davis of J Davis Web Design. If you have questions, problems, or comments about the WBCP website, please contact Jennifer at