Purpose of Key Sites Component
The Key Sites component of the Wisconsin All-bird Conservation Plan outlines specific sites throughout the state that present outstanding opportunities for conserving WBCI priority species. These sites typically contain manageable numbers of one or more priority species as well as habitats and other features critical to these species. Site selection utilized the efforts of the Wisconsin Important Bird Areas program and expert opinion. As with the other components of the All-bird Conservation Plan, readers entering the plan via the Key Sites section can easily access related components of the plan. For example, a reader seeking information about the Horicon Marsh Key Site also will be directed to the Emergent Marsh habitat page, the Marsh Wren species account, or the Southeast Glacial Plains Ecological Landscape page.
Guide to Key Sites Template
Site Information
This section lists the Ecological Landscape(s) and counties where the Key Site occurs as well as the WBCI Priority Habitats it contains.
The introduction provides a brief overview of each site’s natural history. Existing Topography/Vegetation.
This section gives a physical description of the site, including geologic, hydrologic, and other topographic features and also describes the major plant communities and habitat types present.
Current Management/Land Use
This section describes the development, land use, and land ownership of each site as well as its management and conservation strategies.
Importance to Birds
This section describes how each Key Site contributes to Wisconsin’s bird communities. It is not meant to be an exhaustive summary of all species occurring within a particular site, but rather a concise synopsis of the high priority species. It specifies any signature species for which the site is considered of particular importance and also describes any significant concentrations of birds or special designations that the site has.
Priority BirdsThis table lists WBCI priority species that occur at the site and provides information on the opportunity status and habitat features necessary for its occurrence. Special habitat features might include information on area sensitivity, nesting requirements, or food preferences. The Opportunity status codes include:
- High: species is common at the site or has higher abundance here than at other sites; site is considered very important for this species.
- Moderate: species is regular but uncommon at the site; site is considered of moderate importance for this species.
- Low: species is not present in manageable numbers; other sites are considered more important for this species
This section provides a brief summary of the major concerns, threats, or obstacles of managing and conserving habitats and species at the site.
Management RecommendationsThis section provides concise recommendations to maintain or improve habitats and populations of birds at the site. Whenever feasible, recommendations are site-specific but complement management prescriptions given in the relevant Ecological Landscape and Priority Habitat accounts.
PartnersPartners listed in this section can be contacted through either the link provided or the WBCI partners’ webpage http://www.wisconsinbirds.org/endorsers.htm. The reader is urged to contact any of these groups for more information and potential collaborative conservation opportunities. If partners are not listed that should be listed, please forward them to the WBCI coordinator.
Information SourcesThis section lists information sources that were helpful to the author or that provide additional details on the site.