Mead Lake County Parks – North and South

Mead Lake is the largest lake in Clark County, boasting a pair of county parks along its shores. There are paths, boat ramps and roads to explore for many species of birds. The parks include wetlands, woodlands, open water and shrubby marshlands; each habitat holds species different from the next. During spring and fall, waterfowl of all types include Northern Pintail, Ring-necked and Redhead ducks. American Bittern and Green Herons use the marshes along the Eau Claire River. Here, you can see many species of warblers, thrushes, and sparrows. Overhead, Osprey and Bald Eagles soar on summer thermals. This is a great place for a relaxing paddle around the lake.

Directions: From Greenwood, go west 7 miles on Cty G/Rock Creek Rd, then north 1.5 miles on Bachelors Avenue to either North Lake or South Lake Roads.

Mead Lake County Parks map

Gazetteer: Page 62, B-2.

Phone: 715/743-5140 (Clark County Parks).

Web site: Clark County Forestry and Parks

Signature species: Black-and-white Warbler and Clay-colored Sparrow.

Rare species: American White Pelican and Osprey.

Seasonality: Open all year.

Parking: Parking lots.

Nearest food & lodging: Greenwood.