Killsnake State Wildlife Area

Nearly 6,000 acres in size, the Killsnake State Wildlife Area is a favorite place for wildlife viewers because of the rivers, marshes, brushy areas and sizeable cedar swamp that harbor a diverse avian population. The property extends east into Manitowoc County. Its water resources include the Manitowoc, Killsnake and Cedar Rivers. There are prairie restorations and old grassy fields that attract many grassland birds as well as interesting mammals, like badgers. In the fall, look for Short-eared Owls hunting over the meadows. In winter, look for Roughlegged Hawks while Snow Buntings and Lapland Longspurs flock along roadsides and in fields.

Directions: Located 3 miles northeast of Chilton via Hwy 151 or Cty Y.

Killsnake State Wildlife Area map

Gazetteer: Page 55, D-8 (prior to 10th edition). | Page 72, F-2 (10th edition).

Phone: 920/832-1804 (Appleton DNR).

Web site: WDNR Killsnake State Wildlife Area

Signature species: Sedge Wren, Northern Harrier, Grasshopper Sparrow and Bobolink.

Rare species: Upland Sandpiper, Wilson’s Phalarope and Dickcissel.

Seasonality: Open all year.

Parking: Parking lots.

Nearest food & lodging: Chilton.