Tirimbina Rainforest Center

The Tirimbina Rainforest Center is located in the Sarapiqui River plain of northeastern Costa Rica.  The Center was established in 1995 to preserve 740 acres of secondary and primary pre-montane rainforest.  The mission of Tirimbina is preservation, education and research and today encompasses over 886 acres.  Besides preserving the forest for future generations, over 2500 local and international students visit Tirimbina annually, to learn about forest biodiversity.  More than 10,000 ecotourists visit annually. Researchers and graduate students from Costa Rican and U. S. universities and organizations have conducted studies in forest biodiversity and regeneration, water comparisons, insect associations and bat and bird diversity.  Bird research includes a continuing survey and banding study and has recorded over 285 species of birds.  There is also an active volunteer and internship program for students from around the world.

For more information, contact

Nathan E. Kraucunas, Executive Director
Tirimbina Rainforest Center
(414) 278.2782 / natek@mpm.edu