Vote online to help birds by Thursday (4/16) 7pm
Online voting in the Wisconsin Conservation Congress is open through Thursday, April 16 at 7pm. Make your voice heard by learning more and submitting the survey found at the DNR’s website here. This is a great activity to do from home, so please make some time to prepare for and respond to survey questions!
In particular, questions relating to banning use of lead tackle and ammunition on public lands (“yes” to questions 1-7) are of high interest to bird-lovers. Even a tiny amount of lead consumption can be fatal to scavengers like eagles or fish-eating aquatic birds like loons. These incredible animals deserve better, and this overdue change can have a major positive impact on bird health.
Resources to help you get started:
- To read more about the change from in-person Conservation Congress to the online format, read Topf Well’s wonderful blog post on our website.
- Click here for a write-up by the Chequamegon Audubon chapter in northern Wisconsin summarizing the relevant questions and recommended responses.
- See page 12 of the questionnaire booklet to see background for these and other questions you can weigh in on.
- Vote here by 7 p.m. Thursday, April 16.
Thank you for your love for birds and nature in Wisconsin!
This content courtesy of our partners at Madison Audubon.