Site Description
This area encompasses the rugged driftless area bluffs and ravines from the confluence of the Wisconsin and Mississippi rivers at Wyalusing State Park south to Nelson Dewey State Park. The site is characterized by steep hills and bluffs forested with oaks and hickories, with floodplain forest in the bottomlands. Some oak savanna, planted prairie, cool-season grasslands, and lowland brush are present. There also are numerous hillside springs, bare cliffs, and talus slopes.
Ornithological Importance
This area supports high breeding populations of numerous high-priority species, including red-shouldered hawk, Acadian flycatcher, yellow-throated vireo, Bell’s vireo, cerulean warbler, Kentucky warbler, Louisiana waterthrush, and, in one of the few breeding locations in the state, yellow-throated warbler. Golden eagles use the area in winter and tens of thousands of landbirds and raptors pass through during migration.

Wyalusing State Park, photo by Andy Paulios