Site Description
This IBA is a significant forested landscape encompassing Moose Lake State Natural Area and surrounding Iron County Forest and corporate forest lands. Remote and largely unpopulated, it contains the largest contiguous block of old-growth hemlock forest remaining in the entire state, as well as extensive muskegs and lowland forests of cedar, alder, ash, and tamarack. There also are stand of spruce and spruce-fir, tamarack forest, old red pine forest, floodplain forest, upland openings, and lakes.
Ornithological Importance
Breeding birds of both upland and lowland conifers occur here in significant populations, including olive-sided flycatcher, yellow-bellied flycatcher, Blackburnian warbler, and Canada warbler. Old-growth stands host high numbers and densely packed territories for species such as blue-headed vireo, brown creeper, Northern parula, and magnolia warbler. Rare or uncommon species found here include Northern goshawk, long-eared owl, black-backed woodpecker, gray jay, boreal chickadee, and palm warbler.