Site Description
This area of extensive, remote, and hydrologically intact muskeg is located largely on lands owned by the Bureau of Commissioners of Public Lands (BCPL), on which WDNR holds significant conservation easements. A small portion falls within the Chequamegon-Nicolet National Forest. The site is flat to gently rolling, with basins containing both open and forested wetlands. Open muskeg is dominated by leatherleaf, sphagnum, and sedges, with scattered small black spruce. Larger trees—black spruce, tamarack, and white cedar—can be found around the edges. Uplands contain managed young aspen and northern hardwoods.
Ornithological Importance
A diverse assemblage of conifer-loving birds breeds here, including several signature swamp conifer and open bog species such as gray jay, boreal chickadee, palm warbler, and Lincoln’s sparrow.
Bootjack-Muskeg, photo by Robert Wernerehl