Site Description
This IBA encompasses Bibon Swamp State Natural Area, the largest wetland in Bayfield County and one of the largest in the state, as well as the White River State Fishery Area. In the basin of an extinct glacial lake, it contains a variety of wetland communities including white cedar swamp, spruce-tamarack swamp, open bog, alder-willow thickets, and sedge meadow. Managed aspen, pine, and hardwood forests are found in the uplands.
Ornithological Importance
This site supports many assemblages of wetland breeding birds and is especially important for swamp conifer and alder-willow species. Alder flycatcher, veery, Nashville warbler, and Northern waterthrush are found in high numbers. Other breeders include gray jay, boreal chickadee, golden-winged warbler, and Canada warbler.