Wisconsin Important Bird Areas

Conserving the most important places for birds

Nomination Instructions


If you are having difficulty with the nomination form, please contact the IBA Coordinator, Yoyi Steele, at (608) 266-8169, or yoyi.steele@wisconsin.gov. The nomination form does not have to be 100% complete in order to submit it, but please fill in as much as you can to expedite the process. THANK YOU!


First name, last name, address, city, state, zip and phone are required. Email address is highly recommended. Fax and affiliation are optional.


Site name, town, county, and latititute/longitude OR township/range/section are required. Size, elevation, and map are highly recommended.

Site name: Write the most common name by which the site is known. For larger sites, use the name of the largest single unit within the area, or most easily recognized name, such as a state forest, lake, or other geographic feature.

Town(s): Write the name of the closest town or towns to which the site is located.

County (ies): Write the name of the county or counties in which the site is located.

SPECIFIC LOCATION INFORMATION: Please provide Latitude/Longitude OR Township/Range/Section. You do not need to provide them both, but please provide AT LEAST one.

Latitude/Longitude: Use the center of the site for degrees and minutes North and West. These can be found on a topographic map.

Township/Range/Section: Use the center of the site for the Township, Range and Section. These can be found in the Wisconsin Atlas and Gazetteer. Please give the direction, E or W, for the range.

Approx. size (acres): For many public sites (parks, refuges), this information is available from the land manager.

Approximate elevation: Write the average or range (highest and lowest) of the site's elevation; this can be found on a topographic map.

Map: Please provide a map of the area where your site is located. Send the original map indicating your site (including approximate boundaries) along with the rest of the nomination materials. Keep at least one copy of the map for yourself. A USGS Topographic Map (7.5' series; 1:24,000 scale) is preferable. These can be ordered by calling 1-800-USA-MAPS or online at http://www.usgs.gov.


The IBA designation is for sites that are truly important for birds, not necessarily for bird watching. If you know of a site that is good place to watch birds or other wildlife, your nomination is welcome at the Great Wisconsin Birding and Nature Trailwebsite.

Please refer to detailed description of criteria. Check the box or boxes for the criteria that you think the site fulfills. Directly underneath the box, state why you think this site is important for birds (not as a site for birding!) and what species are of importance there:

Examples: This site has the largest colony of great blue herons in the state. This is an exceptional migratory corridor or feeding spot for warblers, with 20 warbler species being seen every year for two months during spring migration.


Species (or group) name: Write the full name of each species (e.g., Yellow-throated Vireo) or group (e.g., herons) for which this site is important. The species or groups listed should correspond to the criteria checked. For example, if you picked the site under Category WI-1 (endangered or threatened species) for Snowy Egret, list Snowy Egret in the table. List all species under a group that come under the criteria categories.

Season: Indicate the season(s) of the year during which the site is important for the particular species, and if more than one season, which season you are basing your importance data.

Maximum daily numbers/season: Write in the best available estimate for the most number of individuals (or pairs) using the site during the important season.

Years: Provide the years over which your numerical estimates were based (e.g., 1992-1997).

Data Sources: Please specify the sources of the data you are providing for each species. If the source is published, please provide the reference.


Percentages for habitat types should add up to 100%.


Describe primary conservation issues: Please provide a narrative description of the most significant conservation problems facing bird populations or the habitat at the site. Provide as much detailed information as possible. This information will be essential to help guide future conservation efforts and priority for the site. Include a description of any conservation measures being implemented at the site, and note whether the site is already protected as a park, natural area, refuge, or other type of conservation area, or by a designation of some kind (such as a site in the Western Hemisphere Shorebird Reserve Network). Also include here information on any conservation or management plans that exist for the site or that are currently being developed, as well as any noteworthy suggestions that have been made for protecting the site.


Land Owner / Land Manager Contacts: Please refer to the Land Ownership/Management Guidelines.