Wisconsin Important Bird Areas

Conserving the most important places for birds

Land Ownership/Management Guidelines

The cooperation and participation of private landowners and public land managers is key to the success of the Wisconsin IBA Program. When nominating any site as an Important Bird Area, whether public or private, great discretion should be exercised in order to respect the rights and authority of landowners and managers, and to avoid the creation or perception of potential conflict. The IBA Program offers potential recognition and assistance for good land stewardship, and should be used to foster trust and cooperation with landowners and managers.

General Guidelines

  • Private landowners and/or public land managers should be notified in person if their land is being considered for an IBA nomination.
  • Private landowners and/or public land managers should be invited to participate in the IBA nomination process.
  • Private landowners and/or public land managers should be consulted before a site is positively identified as an Important Bird Area. "Identified" means that a site has been found, on a scientific basis, to meet the IBA site criteria.
  • Permission should be obtained from private landowners and/or public land managers before any information on a site is made public, or any site is formally "designated" as an Important Bird Area.
  • Private landowners and/or public land managers should be given every opportunity to participate in any discussions concerning their land, especially conservation planning or habitat management.
  • Nominators should never trespass on private property or enter public lands without authorization, if authorization is required. Always respect property rights and posted signs, and never engage in activities likely to arouse suspicion or hostility.
  • If you encounter any negative reaction, or even anticipate such a reaction, on the part of a landowner or land manager, contact the IBA Coordinator. Do not try to pursue contact on your own if you are unsure of the response.
  • Note: Potential exceptions to these guidelines may exist in instances where there are multiple landowners or managers (too many to notify individually) for a given site, in which case the landowner(s) or manager(s) of the largest portions should still be notified. An exception may also exist in instances where notification is likely to result in a hostile reaction, such as when prior conflicts exist over the site.