Toft Point-Ridges Sanctuary-Mud Lake


Toft Point, photo by Robert Howe

Site Description

This site, which includes Toft Point State Natural Area, The Ridges Sanctuary, and Mud Lake State Wildlife Area, features unique dune-swale topography and a variety of high-quality habitats including boreal forest, mixed conifer-hardwood forest, alder thicket, coastal wetlands and bays, and open waters of Lake Michigan.

Toft Point Forest, photo by by Robert Howe

Ornithological Importance

Osprey, bald eagle, American bittern, yellow-bellied flycatcher, blue-headed vireo, and 17 species of warblers breed at this site.  Caspian and common terns forage along the shoreline, and waterfowl and landbirds use the site during migration.  Large flocks of diving ducks utilize the open waters of Lake Michigan in the winter.

Photo Credits: Robert Howe